Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Troop Goes On, Man.

Planning for the next extended troop has begun!

Destination: Austria, Czech Republic, and London
Departure Date: May 25th (T-minus 47 days)
Preparedness Level: Extremely Low (plane tickets purchased)
Excitement Level: Bipolar?

I'm not quite sure what is wrong with my troopin lil' self! I should be over the moon with anticipation and excitement. When I purchased my plane tickets, I almost started doing cartwheels through my office, whilst yelling at the top of my lungs: "See you later SUCKERS! I'm going to PRAGUE.  That is a Czech word for I won't have to work for over a week and a half!"

I'm in the lull right now. That ugly, dark place that every pre-traveler experiences, where the booking high has diminished, and you still have T-minus 47 days until you can actually do cartwheels around your office.

For the more seasoned traveler, this also seems to be when the conflict begins: to plan or not to plan? Past experience tells me the planning will help me maximize the number of sites, towns, and countries I will be able to see. It will keep my blood pressure down - that's right I'm an old 27 year old. Finally, it will also ensure that I don't have to sleep in a bed with questionable stains on the sheets (true story from one night in Barcelona - GOD BLESS DreamSacks and liquor).

On the other hand, not planning has led to some of my truly great travel experiences. I have also found that accommodations found on location can be higher quality and cheaper. Compared to anything found through, or the Lonely Planet guidebook - I mock, but they are actually a decent resource/starting point.  And haven't always led me astray. 

For those with unlimited monetary resources, it is very unlikely that this is a concern, but for the budget traveler, the question remains: Plan or No Plan?

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